Faculty Board

Prof. Dr. Murat KOCA

Director of the Faculty Board

Prof. Dr. Murat KOCA

Prof. Dr. (Member)

Prof. Dr. Abdulbaki AKSAKAL

Prof. Dr. (Member)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yener TEKELİ

Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Member)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ömer KILIÇ

Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Member)

Assit. Prof. Dr. Görkem DENİZ SÖNMEZ

Assit. Prof. Dr. (Member)

Prof. Dr. Murat KOCA

Head of the Deparment of Pharmaceutial Professinal Sciences.

Prof. Dr. Abdulbaki AKSAKAL

Head of the Deparment of Pharmaceutical Basic Sciences.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yener TEKELİ

Head of the Deparment of Pharmaceutical Technology Sciences

Secretary of Faculty V. /Harun Reşit BENLİ
